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Peach Blossom

If you've been "looking for love in all the wrong places," you may want to extend your search to your personal "Peach Blossom" direction. In China, when the early spring rains arrive, the sweetly fragrant Peach Blossoms come to flower. In bloom, they are enchanting, but they can also be quite fragile, so it will take your best discretion to sense which Peach Blossom passions can last long, and which will easily fall away.

This simple formula has been taught by many Feng Shui Masters to help single people create more opportunities for romance in their lives. Do not try this if you are married, however. You just might find that you've created a love triangle in your life!

If you're in the mood for love, you need only follow these three simple steps:

Step 1:
Find your animal year of birth on the Solar calendar chart below. The beginning of each Solar year is always either February 4th or 5th. The year begins at the hour in the Time column.
*If you were born in January or early February, the animal may differ from the one assigned to your year in the Lunar calendar. You may also use your day branch instead of your year branch if you know it.

Step 2:
Find your personal Peach Blossom direction from your animal birth year in the next table.
Using the central 15 degree locations indicated below within each 45 degree direction, can be more potent than using the entire 45 degree section of North, South, East, or West.
Stand in the center of your home or just your bedroom, with a Luopan or an ordinary compass in hand to find this measurement.
If there is a great deal of metal in your décor or in the structure of your home, measure outside, for an accurate compass reading. Then simply adjust a plastic transparency of a compass over your floor plan to find the exact location on the inside of your home.

*Note that there are years, months, days and hours that can trigger your Peach Blossom potential much more than at other times. For example, if you are a Pig, Rabbit or Sheep, the Rat hours, days, months and years are the trigger. These times are listed in the Chinese 10,000 Year Calendar. An English version is available on CD from sosfengshui.com.

Step 3:
Activate the Peach Blossom energy by placing fresh cut flowers in a vase of clean water in your personal romance direction. Use a narrow neck vase in order to avoid needing stones or earth to support the flowers.
Some Masters go a step further and suggest a specific number of flowers, and a particular color of both flowers and vase for each direction. These can be found in the table below. *Always keep the water and flowers fresh and clean to attract a romance with good healthy chi.

*4 stalks of bamboo in water is sometimes used to symbolize the 4 (wood) and 1 (water) Flying

Star number combination which is associated with Peach Blossom. A room in the Southeast (4) or with the Flying Stars 1,4 or 4,1 can have natural Peach Blossom potential if you choose to activate it. You might want to try a green color vase (wood/4), in a round shape (metal) with white flowers to strengthen the water/1. Experiment!

How to Stop Your Spouse from Having an Affair!

We can also use this formula in reverse, to prevent or stop our spouse from having an affair. Simply determine your spouse's Peach Blossom direction and then keep the blossoms from blooming. Here are two methods:

Method #1:

Place a metal Rooster at your spouse's peach blossom direction. The metal will destroy the wood of plants and flowers and symbolically it will peck at, uproot and destroy the romance blossoming potential.

Method #2:

1. Remove or cover any empty containers in your home, such as vases, or even umbrella stands, as well as vases containing flowers and water, from the specific location of your spouse's Peach Blossom direction.

2. Place 8 rocks in a vase that is the 5 element color which destroys your spouse's peach blossom color.

Example: If your partner's Peach Blossom direction is West, his Peach Blossom color would be White, Silver or Gold. Therefore use a container that represents the Fire color (Red) to dominate his color.

Water is what allows the flowers to live and grow, so to prevent the water from nurturing the peach blossoms, fill the Red container with 8 rocks and no water. This symbolizes earth/mountain, which controls the water element.

You could also effectively use an earthenware container with 8 rocks inside, in your spouse's Peach Blossom location.

Beth Borray

Our Destiny will greatly influence the timing of finding a romantic partner, so while I can make no absolute guarantees about this formula for affection, I have seen quite a few cases where love has blossomed using the Peach Blossom method.

©Copyright 2002 Beth Borray

Beth Borray, founder of Red Peony Consulting, has been a student and practitioner of Traditional Feng Shui since 1992. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Design. She has been a contributing writer for Feng Shui for Modern Living magazine and The Feng Shui Quarterly. Beth is the North American seminar coordinator for Peter Leung in the western United States and is a co-moderator of his private Feng Shui discussion list: fengshuiSOS@yahoogroups.com.


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